Baker Cabin Wagon Restoration

The Baker Cabin historic site offers visitors a chance to see an authentic log cabin and living area that reflects the region’s pioneer past. The site, which is listed on the register of historic landmarks, is operated and maintained by volunteers with a love of history – and you can be one of them. “Hands on History” days in March and April will give visitors a chance to handle and care for historic artifacts from the site’s collection or take on a small project for the grounds.

Volunteers are essential to our mission. There will be a variety of jobs to match your interests and abilities. Project leaders will be on hand to answer questions and guide work efforts.

Saturday, March 11 – 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Hands on History

Get your hands on genuine pioneer history as a volunteer on the work crew working on the circa 1880 market wagon that is being restored by the Baker Cabin Historical Association and local craftspeople. Woodworking expertise is not required – tasks may be as simple as carefully cleaning the old woodwork and ironwork, photographing or recording the original parts so we can repair and restore accurately.