Baker Cabin History Conversation

Feb. 10, 2024, 10 -11 am – History Conversation
Meet and Greet with Clackamas history authors at Pioneer Church and other locations

There has been an explosion of new books about Clackamas history by local authors, lately. “Meet and Greets” with the authors of newly published books about Carver, Happy Valley, and Oregon City are happening at Baker Cabin and other key Clackamas locations. Visit·

  • the Pioneer Church in Carver from 10-11 am
  • the Clackamas County Historical Society in Oregon City from 1 – 2 pm, or·
  • the Milwaukie Historical Society in Milwaukie from 3-4 pm

to meet the authors, ask questions about how they find their material, share anecdotes from your own family history, or check out what’s new on our bookshelves. There’s no charge to attend the event at the Pioneer Church. At each gathering, books will be available for purchase and authors in attendance will be happy to sign them.