Baker Cabin Vow Renewals

On Saturday, June 24, couples are invited to renew their wedding vows at the Pioneer Church between 1 and 5 p.m., or to celebrate with others who do so. Couples can reserve a ceremony time to renew their pledges to each other. The ‘King,’ (an Elvis-costumed licensed minister) will be on hand to lead the ceremony if desired (not required at all, but fun for some folks!). Contact our Wedding Coordinator Shannon Burrough to reserve your ceremony time by calling 503-688-3796 or 503-631-8274; or email

The sanctuary will be decorated for the special day. Bring the words of love you exchanged with your dearest in days gone by or write new vows for today to pledge your troth again. You can pose for a special photograph, enjoy some tasty wedding cake, and bring wine or other beverages to sip or share while visiting with friends and neighbors. A wedding photographer will be on hand to offer professional portraits of couples or families commemorating a special day, for a small fee.

Most of all, bring your fiancé/best friend/spouse/partner/significant other/family to enjoy a pleasant and love-filled afternoon in this historic setting. We will have historic quilts displayed in the church, and the log cabin will be open for visitors to see.

There is a fee of $25 per couple (and up to 10 guests) for formal vow ceremonies in the church (with or without Elvis), and there will be a cover charge of $5 per person for visitors who are not part of a wedding party. Whether you are renewing vows or stopping by because you just love weddings, we’d love to see you!